Form: Upper Body
Another key part of running form I would like highlight is the arms and upper body. Although running mostly puts strain on the legs, the entire body is necessary to run effectively. To use the arms properly, you should first relax your shoulders. Keeping too much tension in the shoulders gets uncomfortable after a while. Its also important to roll the shoulders back and face your chest foreword. As my coach always says "If you look down, you run down." This is because looking down will make you slow down (trust me) and its hard to race when you don't know what's happening in front of you. Breathing is easier when your shoulders are up and back and good posture shows confidence that makes you more intimidating to run against. Remember, racing is mostly a mental battle and this will make you appear tougher to your opponents. For the arms you just want to relax and do what feels natural. Try not to cross your arms in front of your body, as this wastes...